54. I want it to be just as natural to larp

Claus Raasted
2 min readJan 4, 2017


I don’t want larp to remain a niche activity.

I want it to go fully mainstream.

I know that not everyone shares this goal, and that’s ok. But this is where I want larp to go.

  • I want it to be just as natural to spend an evening larping as it is going to visit a museum.
  • I want it to be just as natural for a teacher to use larp in the classroom as it is to use group work or a lecture format.
  • I want it to be just as natural for a corporation to use larp as a way of training skills as it is to show a video.
  • I want it to be just as natural for friends to choose to go on a larping vacation as it is to go on a skiing vacation.
  • I want it to be just as natural for a family to larp together on a Tuesday night as it is to play Settlers of Catan.
  • I want it to be just as natural for a child to dream of being a professional larper as it is to dream of being a professional actor.
  • I want it to be just as natural for a teenager to ask “So, what type of larps do you like?” as it is to say “So, what kind of music are you into?”
  • I want it to be just as natural for a lover to propose at a larp afterparty as it is to propose at an FC Barcelona match.
  • I want it to be just as natural for parents to send their child to her first larp as it is for them to ship off the youngster to her first scout camp.
  • I want it to be just as natural for a silver anniversay gift to be a ticket to a high-profile larp as it is to be a Superbowl ticket.
  • I want it to be just as natural for our elders to go to a larp together as it is to go to a bingo tournament.

I want all of this. And more.

I know it won’t happen overnight.

I know it won’t happen by itself.

I know that if this is to happen, it’ll take many years and many people.

But I believe it’s possible, and I’m going to keep on doing my best to help make it a reality.

And luckily, I’m by no means alone.

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Claus Raasted

Director at The College of Extraordinary Experiences & Author of 45 books